Payeer payment gateway configuration

1. Store side

URL merchant: link to Payeer payment system (default;

ID shop: your store ID in Payeer

Secret key: your store secret key

The path to the transaction log (optional): /payeer_order.log

IP filter incoming requests (optional): You can specify the list of all trusted ip addresses.  For example:,,

E-mail alert for Error (optional): your email

Waiting for payment status: (default, Pending);

Successful payment status: (default, Complete);

Failure of payment status: (default, Failed);

Geo zone: geographic area where payment method will be active (All zones by default)

Sort order (optional): order of available payment methods.

Save the changes.


2. Payeer side "Payeer account → API → Settings”

Success URL:

               https:// *****/index.php?route=extension/payment/payeer/success

Fail URL:

               https:// *****/index.php?route=extension/payment/payeer/fail

Status URL:

               https:// *****/index.php?route=extension/payment/payeer/status

Where ***** is your domain.