Marketing campaigns tracking

With build-in Marketing campaigns tracking and profitability calculation system you can track unlimited marketing campaigns  - how many clicks and orders you get from any source, website, marketing campaign, buy button or even banner.

From Side menu:

  1. Go to Marketing Marketing tracking
  2. Press "pencil button" to edit or  "+ buttonto create a new campaign

1. Campaign Name - marketing campaign name

2. Campaign Description - marketing campaign description

3. Tracking Code - this code will be generated automatically, but you can edit the field and choose a custom tracking value

You need to add this tracking code to the end of URL link - &tracking=TRACKING_CODE

Best practice

When you are creating a banner for an advertising campaign in your website or another online media platform, you have to create a new marketing campaign. The new campaign will be used to track how many clicks you get and where they came from by embedding the tracking code in the link to the campaign.