How to create a new page layout

1. Create a new section

  1.  Go to My store Theme - Theme section 
  2.  Press "+ button" in the top right corner
  3.  Go to  Advanced Layout settings  and type Layout name in Page type field
  4.  Press "+ button" in the top right corner and choose a relevant store where you want to use this layout
  5.  Add to Route field route according to the page type

    - for the category page - "product/category"
    - for the product page - "product/product"
    - for the information pages - "information/information"
    - for the store main page - "common/home"
    - for the vendor (manufacturer) page - "common/home"
    - for the client account page - "account/%"

  6.  Add needed content sections to the page (how to add content sections)
  7.  Press Save button on the top right corner 

1.1 For multi-stores only

Now we need to disable using the Default layout for this store. We need to remove the store from the store's list in the Default page layout. 

  1. Go back to My store - Theme - Theme section 
  2. In this demo, we changing store main page, so go to Home (Main page) layout and Advanced Layout settings
  3. Remove needed store from the stores list  
  4. Press Save button on the top right corner

2 How to assign this custom layout to a specific product, category or any other page

  1. Go to Product/Category (or another page you want to edit) edit page
  2. Press Design settings link in Visibility section
  3. Select the needed layout from the list (you can assign different layouts for different stores)
  4. Press Save button on the top right corner