Advanced Import - Import data from XLSX spreadsheet file
Advanced XLSX spreadsheet file import - very flexible import type. With advanced import, you can make bulk changes to your products or import any store data from any source - products. categories, customers, product variants, and attributes
- Go to Catalog - Import/Export
- Choose an Advanced import option
If you have a CSV or XLSX file that was exported from another eCommerce platform or any other source, like an inventory list from a supplier, then you need to rebuild it to fesh.'s format. If the file format doesn't match, then the import fails.
Import process:
1. Before you start
- Download the fesh.'s template import file. You can use it as a template for creating your own XLSX file or copy data to this template. Note! All import data have their own import files!
Product Attributes
Product options
But the best practice is to create one or two products manually in Catalog - Products and make an export. In this way, you will get a ready import file format with all needed fields and you will only need to add the rest of the products to the already filled columns
- Copy data into the appropriate columns of the template file. It's recommended that you delete all the empty columns and rows from your file, so it doesn't cause any errors.
2. Once you’ve prepared your import file, you can start the import
- Go to Catalog - Import/Export and choose an Advanced import option
- Choose import type - update all data or delete all old data before Import
Before product import, you have to create or import all store catalog structures - categories, product variants, and technical attributes and only after that, you can import products. fesh. will create all non-existent categories, but the best practice is to create all catalog structures before the products import
- Click Choose file and select the import file from your computer
- Press Import button
Product import required fields:
Most import file fields are optional, but some of them are required:
Product id - you can type any product ids, like 1,2,3,4,5... but only in ascending order! If a product with this ID already exists - the product data will be updated
Name - type product name
Categories - you can type category id from Catalog - Categories or category name.
- You can assign products to several categories. Type categories comma separated - category 1, category 2, category 3
- You can create and assign subcategories - use the symbol ">": main category > subcategory
SKU - type product SKU
Quantity - type product quantity. You can subtract product quantity after order or not. Type true to subtract or false on the subtract filed
Image_name - You can import product images in two ways:
- Just add the URL of the image from another site to image cells and fesh. will automatically download the image and assign it to the product
- Previously upload images via image manager and type image path
- You can assign unlimited additional images in the AdditionalImages tab
Shipping - the product requires shipping - yes or no
Price- type product price in your store's main currency
Status - true or false. Is the product is available for order or not
tax_class_id- by default, 9
Description- product description. You can use HTML tags
stock_status_id - the product requires shipping - yes or no
store_ids - if you have only one store in your account - type 0. You can assign the same product to several stores - type comma-separated store ids
minimum- minimum order amount. you can type 1