Product categories

Categories allows to guide customers to similar products within the same category. Exposing customers to different products within a category lets the customer compare the similarities and differences between products to make the most informed purchase. When adding products to the store, you will be asked for a product category to sort them in. It is a good idea to establish these categories before adding products, to save yourself the trouble of adding the category name to the products later.

  1. Go to Catalog Categories
  2. Press "pencil button" to edit or  "+ button" to create a new category

Most important settings:

    1. Category name
    2. Description Text that will describe this category on the category page, to be viewed by the customers in the store front of the shop
      SEO settings:
    3. Meta Title (best practice for SEO) - type category name
    4. Meta Tag Description  (best practice for SEO) - a summary of the category to describe the category page to search engines (up to 170 symbols)

  1.  Visibility block
    1. Image you can add an image to the category description
    2. Status 
    3. Parent category - Categories are arranged in a hierarchical structure; with the parent category always on top. You may choose to create a category under a parent category, turning it into a sub-category. In the category list the category will be displayed as "Parent Category > Sub-Category". If "None" is selected, the category created will be a parent category.

      In Advanced Settings you can set:
    4. Stores If you are managing a multi-store, you may check which stores you would like to add this category
    5. SEO URL 
    6. Sort order