How to assign different content blocks (modules) to the different store

  1. Go to My store Theme - Theme sections
  2. Choose the page type where you want to add a module. For example, to display the module in the main page - choose Home (Main page)
  3. Press "pencil button" to edit

Add new section

  1.  Choose section page position area and press on dropdown list area
  2. Choose a module you need from the dropdown list 
  3.  press "+ button" to add the module
  4.  if you want edit secion settings 0 press "pencil button" 
  5. Press Save button on the top right corner 

Remove section

  1. In Choose the position of the modules area add the module to the position you want and press "- button"
  2. Press Save button on the top right corner 

Edit section

  1. Choose the section you want to edit  and press "pencil button"
  2. Edit section settings in the popup window and press save button on the top right corner on the section edit window
  3. Press Save button on the top right corner