
From Side menu:

  1. Go to System - Localisation - Currencies
  2. Push "pencil button" to edit  or "+ button" on the right top corner to add a new currency

Currency configuration

  1. Currency Title
  2. Code The ISO code for the currency. Currency codes list.
  3. Symbol Left Add a currency symbol to the left side or to the right side
  4. Symbol Right Add a currency symbol to the left side or to the right side
  5. Decimal Places: The amount of decimal places displayed in the price
  6. Value: The Default currency will be set to a value of 1. Every value of currency will be relative to this value. fesh. will automatically update the currency values  if Auto Update Currency is enabled in store settings (From side menu go to System Settings and Local tab)
  7. Status: Enables or disables the currency in the store front.