Image carousel module

Module name - Carousel

Module type - Multiple (you can create multiple copies of the module)

Module operation - Module shows banners or images carousel

Before you add a module you need to create a banner set that this module will show
Steeps to do:
  1. Create banners (images) set
  2. Create banner module
  3. Add module to store pages

How to create or edit images sets

  1. From side menu go to Design Banners
  2. If you want to edit exist banner set - press "pencil button", if you want to add a new banner set - press "+ button"
  3. Banner set fields:
    1. Banner Name - set name
    2. Status - Enable or Disable
    3. Images lines
  4. Press "+ button" to add a new image
  5. Image title - type image name or press 3 spaces to leave blank
  6. Image Link - you can add link or leave blank
  7. Image - press on Image and choose or upload an image from the file manager 
  8. Order - you can set a custom order
  9. Press Save button on top right corner to save 

Now you can add a carousel module

Module fields

  1. Module Name - name
  2. Banner - choose banner set to show
  3. Width - images width
  4. Height - imager height
  5. Status - Enable or Disable module