Bulk update process:
Step 1: Export data to XLSX spreadsheet file
Step 2: After you make changes, import the file to your store:
Most import file fields are optional, but some of them are required:
Product id - you can type any product ids, like 1,2,3,4,5... but only in ascending order! If a product with this ID already exists - the product data will be updated
Name - type product name
Categories - you can type category id from Catalog - Categories or category name.
SKU - type product SKU
Quantity - type product quantity. You can subtract product quantity after order or not. Type true to subtract or false on the subtract filed
Image_name - You can import product images in two ways:
Shipping - the product requires shipping - yes or no
Price- type product price in your store's main currency
Status - true or false. Is the product is available for order or not
tax_class_id- by default, 9
Description- product description. You can use HTML tags
stock_status_id - the product requires shipping - yes or no
store_ids - if you have only one store in your account - type 0. You can assign the same product to several stores - type comma-separated store ids
minimum- minimum order amount. you can type 1