
By default, fesh. has one preinstalled languages - English

If you need other language - please contact support team to activate additional language packs in your store

You can create a multilingual online store and integrate your own translation. fesh. is available in more than 40 languages and even right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.

1. Manage available languages

From Side menu:

  1. Go to System Localisation - Languages
  2. Push "pencil button" to edit  currency or "+ button" on the top right corner to add a new currency

If you don't see your language in the available language list - please contact our support team. If the new language pack is already installed:

  1. Language name  Type language name
  2. Code ISO language code 
  3. Locale The code used by browsers to auto-detect the language of the site. Locale codes can be viewed here
  4. Status Enable or disable language
  5. Press Save button

2. Change store language or admin panel language

You can change default store currency in Store settings

3. Add new language translation to the menu items, images and banners, modules, categories and products

Go to:

1. Menu items - My store - Navigation menu

2. Content module titles - My store - Theme - Theme sections and then select need page (for example, to edit store main page go to Home (Main page))

3.  Banners and images - My store - Banners and Sliders

4. Products - Catalog - Products

5. Categories - Catalog - Categories

6.  If your theme including newsletter Subscribe Module - Go to Marketing - Newsletter - Subscribe Box